A Healthy Balance Through Kinesiology
Systematic Kinesiology is a natural health care system that combines chiropractic principles with ancient Chinese wisdom using gentle muscle testing as a type of body language.
Through muscle testing, the body’s responses communicate to you and me, areas in need of support and, ways of bringing the body and mind back into balance. It is a scientific approach to improving health and wellbeing and is based on extensive tried and tested research.
Maybe you are feeling a bit stuck, the same negative patterns of behaviour keep repeating and you want a change.
Do you feel tired all the time, can’t think straight and never seem to be able to get anything done?
Or maybe you feel anxious and would like to overcome it and move forward in life.
Perhaps your intuition is telling you that the reason your child has an unexplained rash that won’t go away is due to eating dairy and you’d like someone to support you to explore this.
People come to see me because they want to experience a change in their life and they want to take steps to feel better. Clients report that they begin to feel a transformation after their first session.
For some people, this might be the first time they have ever opened up and been heard, with no judgement or expectation.
Clients say to me that kinesiology has helped them to have better energy levels, to sleep better, to feel more grounded and to have a clearer sense of purpose.
Kinesiology has helped my clients to understand the relationship between emotional and physical health and how to be kinder to themselves.
Kinesiology has identified key foods that can support people’s journey to wellbeing as well as foods and products to cut out in order to feel more energised and be more productive.
Ultimately, kinesiology is about positive transformation, it’s about change and it’s about you being supported to take your health and wellbeing into your own hands.
How Kinesiology Can Help You

Together, we will work out the goals you would like to achieve. For example improved sleep, relief from backache or overcoming a phobia. As we work together, your goals may change or develop over time, which is part of the treatment plan.
Then each session will be uniquely responsive to what obstacles might be in your way of achieving these goals.
Each journey is totally personal to you.
This journey is a collaboration between you and me. I am confident that Systematic Kinesiology can support and guide you to bring about the changes you need to live a healthy and balanced life.
If you are interested in Systematic Kinesiology and how it can benefit you, go to the booking page to arrange a free 20-minute phone consultation
Or, if you want to book in straight away, click book initial consultation now.
The journey to a healthy and balanced life begins here
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For all treatments you will receive a complementary personalised Bach Flower Remedy, nutritional advice and manageable suggestions to support you over the coming weeks.
Emotionally I felt a real lack of clarity and was in turmoil, not really knowing how to be with some key emotions from past traumatic experiences. Layla was able to sensitively guide me through the emotion I was focusing on, exploring ways of understanding myself in ways I'd not considered before. After the Colour Card Therapy treatment, I felt much calmer and more clarity. I allowed myself to come out of self-preservation mode and was able to understand myself in a different light.
- Tendayi
Layla has a strong, holding presence. She gets to the root of the issue with thoughtful consideration of the whole person and is intuitive and knowledgeable in her work.
- Macey
I have had two kinesiology treatments with Layla and have been blown away by her compassion, knowledge and aura. Both times, I left feeling lighter, brighter and guided. I suffered from deep anxiety and depression, as well as poor sleep quality and knee problems. She was able to tap into deep-rooted anxieties and imbalances, and as we worked through them, I could already feel these layers dissolving. Layla is a trustworthy facilitator of people’s healing who is a master at sustaining a safe space and I would highly recommend her work to anyone with physical or spiritual ailments that might be impeding their quality of life.